Sunday, April 13, 2008

Darnell's article

As I was reading this article, I noticed that Darnell used a lot of diction. When he started his writing off with “bigotry” and “lynching-mob mentality”, he was trying to get across to the reader that he is stating his opinion, but he’s not going to be angry at what had happened to Detroit. He’s going to be angry with the guy who destroyed the city. By using those words, he clearly wanted to tell the reader before hand that his article was not meant to be a rant about what Kwame has done, he said that it was an article of mourning for it’s aftermath.
The next word I saw throughout the article was “gem”. He never called Detroit a “living hell” or anything like that, but he called it a “gem”. Darnell saw this city as a lost puppy or someone that lost their way in life, and never got back on the right track. When I saw the word “gem”, it made me think of the phrase “a diamond in the rough”, which is exactly what he thinks of Detroit. The name, “gem”, shows Darnell’s devotion to the city, even when it’s in shambles.
Darnell used “dilapidated” and “crumbled” as ways to describe the city, to show Detroit’s state of disrepair and how demolished it really is. He wanted the reader to have a mental picture of the city in shambles, and to have a sense of how much Kwame’s actions were not helping its rebuild. By using this strong diction, he made his emotion come out even more about how he feels about his decrepit home.
“Pleading” is used when he talks about his feeling of Kilpatrick’s resignating. Darnell could have used wanting or praying for, but he used pleading. This word displayed his strong feeling and point of view towards the mayor’s actions, and how much he feels that Kilpatrick is really needed in the city of Detroit.
Darnell talk’s about how he went to private schools to get other views of his “gem city”, and he says their views were “stereotypical and warped…”. Seeing his word choice throughout the whole article, made me think of how some not as powerful words would not have shown his opinion clear enough for the reader to understand him, but he chose not to, for the sake of effectiveness. The word “warped”, showed how he truly feels about the views others. He showed his sad opinion, by getting straight to the point, with only a couple words.
This article gave the reader a strong impact all the way through, and he got his point across very effectively. Without Darnell’s strong use of diction he would have lost his readers at the very beginning. His point was to show his devotion to Detroit, and how Kilpatrick’s actions have made many others lose their devotion and faith in this “gem city”. Darnell has and still does believe in this city, and with his wonderful determination to stay true to his home, he wrote a powerful article that has many people talking.

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