Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Shopping Cartoon

The point of this cartoon is that people think Christmas is all about shopping, but they forget all about the true meaning of Christmas (yes you know what's coming) Jesus and His birth. The modern day world thinks about the new high tech this and all the gifts they must buy for all their friends and family. People just don't understand when to stop buying and when to start celebrating Jesus birth. I agree with the is cartoon, because it gives a clear point and it can relate to anyone who sees it. I think having that part from the grinch in the store at that point makes people, other than the lady, think about why everyone does shop. The lady could represent people who don't have a reason to really shop and why people feel the need to shop just because they want to shop. Maybe some people shop just, because there is a sale going on and that person maybe thinking that it will never happen again, so they buy that sale item. So give up the shopping and let's enjoy the day for the right reason, and i won't say it again cause you get the point.


David said...

Well Katie, I do agree with you that the Christmas picture is showing readers that people think of Christmas as a time to shop, "but they forget all about the true meaning of Christmas", I do not think the cartoon is trying to portray the real meaning of Christmas being Jesus, rather the true meaning of Christmas as a time of family get together and joy. Although Jesus is the reason for the seaso, I do not find any reference to Him at all in the image. -David-

David said...

Ha ok regard my last comment. I was bored and felt like commenting on someones blog, but now that I read everyone elses apparently this picture led people to think the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus. I still dont see the connection, but thats just me.