Thursday, January 31, 2008

Open Minded Liberals?

The columnist this week had very good views politically, but apparently some people see the world differently than he does. The "they say" line I chose is this, "I then learned that somebody intentionally ruptured a levee in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina; that Bush simply serves as a puppet for others; and that they wish to destroy the little people in the middle class. Finally, I sighed and simply asked, 'How do you function day by day?' ". He uses this "they say" to make the guy feel stupid for what he said about Bush, because if you are a fan of Bush would you seriosly think that he would get the presidency just to make big, tragic events happen? Anyway the way the columnist describes it he's saying that liberals complete hate and disagree with Bush. The liberal seems to have the idea that Bush is the antichrist, and the world is coming to an end, if that person is a believer in Christ (not to be rude). The liberal basically set himself up when he said all those thing, and the columnist could have said a lot of horrible things to the liberal. It's a good thing that he didn't, because the disagreement could have gotten very ugly in that barbershop.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

This cartoon talks about the different types of "wine". We know that there is wine that you drink, and we know about "whine", which is when there's something you don't want to do. The man in the cartoon owns the wine storr of course. The boy is whining about his math homework, and the cat just looks sick in the picture. You could take this cartton two ways. You could take this as a cartoon talking about how kids whine about certain things, because they are not happy about doing something. My mom would tell me when i whine " would you like some cheese with that wine". People whine about stuff. Everybody has at least whined once, but it's not a very good habit to have. This cartoon could be talking about how people are drinking at such a young age. It shows how much people can really care about this issue, or not care at all. The cat is a symbol of people who don't really care about the issue, and just keep drinking. The boy represents a person who has not been a part of this issue, but is willing to give it a try to see what it's like. I think this cartoon gives two very good messages, and both of these make think about things before we do them.;_ylt=Ao1VEtK8S876wWdJGakYMg7rcLQF

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fueling the Dream

Laura talks about how she was involved in a camp for kids who have cystic fibrosis. She mentions somone she couldn't forget named Debbie. Debbied lives in Shelby, shes married, and she has an oxygen tank which she uses 24hrs a day. Laura talks about how Debbie wants a lung transplant and is on a waiting list. Debbie is a fan of the Barenaked Ladies, and she wanted to get tickets to go to their concert. So a Carl Galeana, who owns a Dodge car dealership in Warren, wanted her to be happy. So he got her the tickets, and made her dream come true. I think Carl was so nice to get her those tickets. Even though he took all his time to get her the tickets and put back the auto show, at least this made someone happy who can feel alive again while she is enjoying the concert.
4th grade: Debbie Hennemeier is a woman in Shebly Twp. who is very sick, and she wishes she could do much more then she can do right now. She goes throughout her whole day carrying an oxygen tank on her shoulder. Debbie wants to get a lung transplant, to make things better for her, but there are some problems that make it hard for doctors to take care of her. She is a strong person, having to fight this sickness, but she has gotten stronger each year. Carl Galeana wanted to do something for her to make her happy. so he got her tickets of her favortie bands concert, and this made her very happy. By doing this he was able to fulfill her dream, of seeing The Barenaked Ladies, and this is just another little thing that will make her even stronger to deal with her illness.